disassemblies・digital archaeology・data preservation

Well, that’s enough mahjong for now… Let’s try something a little more exciting! Like the title screen implies, Riding Fight is a FRONT VIEW SPEED ACTION GAME featuring a couple of hoverboard-mounted radical dudes from the future who punch everything in their path. And it turns out it has a level select screen!

┇Disassembly / Analysis
🖉 by Ryou

More Mahjong Menus! Next up we have Nyanpai and Musōbana, two games that run on the same Nichibutsu hardware and share most of the same artwork as well as a hidden test menu.

┇Disassembly / Analysis
🖉 by Ryou

Still hacking around with MAME games, and I’m having a blast! This time I opened up Ojanko Yakata (roughly translated as Mahjong Girl Mansion), one of the many, many adult mahjong games to grace game centers of the past. I spotted some ASCII in the memory dump that looked like a hidden developer credits screen and investigated…

┇Disassembly / Analysis
🖉 by Ryou

There’s a request on mamecheat for Pocket Gal Deluxe, and I figured I’d give it a go. I played around for a bit, then discovered a nice, juicy string table with some intriguing bits of text. After a few hours of working backwards through the disassembly, I discovered a number of interesting tidbits in the data!

┇Disassembly / Analysis
🖉 by Ryou

The MAME hacking continues! Momoko 120% is a platform shooter with an interesting history. I’ve always enjoyed it and have begun a full disassembly of the code, partially to learn Z80 assembly and also, as always, to look for any bits of leftover or unused data. And find something I did!

┇Disassembly / Analysis
🖉 by Ryou