Still hacking around with MAME games, and I’m having a blast! This time I opened up Ojanko Yakata (roughly translated as Mahjong Girl Mansion), one of the many, many adult mahjong games to grace game centers of the past. I spotted some ASCII in the memory dump that looked like a hidden developer credits screen and investigated…
disassemblies・digital archaeology・data preservation
There’s a request on mamecheat for Pocket Gal Deluxe, and I figured I’d give it a go. I played around for a bit, then discovered a nice, juicy string table with some intriguing bits of text. After a few hours of working backwards through the disassembly, I discovered a number of interesting tidbits in the data!
The MAME hacking continues! Momoko 120% is a platform shooter with an interesting history. I’ve always enjoyed it and have begun a full disassembly of the code, partially to learn Z80 assembly and also, as always, to look for any bits of leftover or unused data. And find something I did!
I’ve been playing around with the MAME debugger recently. I loaded up Tinkle Pit, a cute, simple (at first…) maze game and started playing around with altering memory values. I found what appeared to be the value for the current game mode, and after poking it for a bit, I came across an odd screen…
News was posted today of the finding and dumping of an unreleased vertical shooter by Sega and Santos for the System 18 arcade hardware, called Hammer Away.