We’ve taken a look at Donpachi and Dodonpachi in the past, so of course DDP 2 was going to come up eventually!
disassemblies・digital archaeology・data preservation
Sometimes you begin disassembling some code thinking, “well, there’s not much here, this won’t take long to research and write about,” and then it spirals out of control and takes up all your free time for multiple weeks.
Anyway, here’s more than you ever wanted to know about what’s hidden away inside Magical Crystals!
It’s Sexy Parodious! Flying pigs, a horny octopus, and a really janky debug tool hidden away in there.
It’s a mahjong game! It’s a falling-block puzzle game! No, it’s Oh! Paipii, a mix of both that isn’t nearly as fun as either of those genres are on their own!
This is just a quickie article to archive some work done via twitter.