Debug tools in Virtua Fighter 2, Fighting Vipers and Sonic the Fighters - PART 2 Looks like I can finally cross “discovered a previously unknown debug code in a Sonic game” off my bucket list.
Twinkle Star Sprites - Debug Options and Dueling Cakes One of the most loved games by fans of the legendary Neo-Geo has a boatload of debug tools and a hidden mini game…
Original Strider Hiryuu arcade title screen Just a quickie article so this isn’t lost to the sands of Twitter.
Mahou Keibitai Gunhōki (aka Mystic Riders) - Debug Tools with Stage Select Witches on their brooms shooting magic missiles is the name of the game, literally: gunhōki translates to “gun broom.” There’s a stage select buried in the code, which is accessible on actual hardware without any code hacks. Neat!
Blocken - Debug Functions and Graphics Viewer What happens when you cross Breakout with puzzle game versus mode mechanics? You get an adorable hot mess called Blocken!